Monday, October 22, 2012

Entry 17

I went looking some stuff up. I think Trent might have been a fan of this independent horror game called Slender, according to the vast knowledge of the internet. It seems like the sort of thing he would've been in to. It has this big following. I've never heard of it, but it hey, Horror's neat. Not that I would know anything about that.

And yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Millman's in my ear right now telling me that looking up scary stuff on the internet is a great way to wind up back in the ward but it's not like I'm not already thinking about it so I might as well put my worries to rest. And to assure you that all is well I've got another prompt for you.

Describe a Recipe for Happiness

*Insert audience laugh track here* I picked the most ridiculously perky one of them all just for you. :)

Start by preheating the day's temperature somewhere around seventy degrees, and be sure to arrange for a slightly spring cloudy day.

Do not under any circumstances add worry, stress, or schizophrenic related anxiety to any part of the recipe.

Begin by waking up bright and early to the smell of Ego Waffles in the toaster, (blueberries in the waffles are optional.)

After cleaning off the dishes, go out for a stroll around the park. Remember to bring bread crumbs for the baby ducklings.

Next you must stop by the garden shop and, for a change of pace, buy flowers instead of pots.

Hurry home and begin planting.

For Lunch use only the finest nutella and crackers you have in your possession and set up a small outdoor picnic.

After that, curl up with a good book. Preferably a childhood classic such as Peter Pan, or Winnie the Pooh (Or Frankenstein, ha ha ha.)

Cook elaborate fancy pasta dinner for beloved aunt before she returns home, (points for every witty remark the two of you make when it goes up in smoke.)

Order pizza.

Retire early to the den and watch Singing in the Rain, whilst sipping some fancy Lipton tea.

Fall asleep on the couch, preferably with someone you care about.

Serves one Milla. 

I gotta say Millman. Being a mental invalid can be the most awful thing some times, but it has it's moments. I wish I could make days like this happen, but the worry and stress bit never seems to go away. It's tough not being gloomy sometimes, but I'm doing my best. Peg always says you should rest your worries on the floor before bed and then deal with them in the morning. Maybe that's all I need to finally get some damn sleep.

Maybe I should go back to the ward for a while, I don't know. I need to talk with you about it on Wednesday. I'll see you then. 

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