Thursday, October 4, 2012

Entry 13

Happy October!

Here's a picture of a drunk pumpkin to set the mood.

Gotta love Halloween.

Last year I dressed up as a Salem Witch Trial victim, and this year I was thinking about maybe recycling that and dressing up as a Disney Princess. I could pull off Belle. Hell, my French is probably better than 99% of everyone who made that movie.
Anway, so the prompt list has been getting a little more abstract, which is why I'm not eager to come back to it. However, I asked for it so I might as well take what I got.

List Ten Things You Like About Yourself

I really hate these kinds of things. Not because I'm one of those people who can't even manage to come up with ten things I like about myself, but because they imply a person can separate themselves into individual qualities they do or do not like. I feel numerous things about all of my qualities, like I'm kind of a laid back person, and I like that about myself, but at the same time I feel like that can make me dispassionate. I am me, and all the qualities that make up my being have blended together into a gelatinous mush and there's no way to separate them into, "I like this," or "I don't like that."

To be honest, I think most of our opinions on ourselves are dependent on other people's opinion of you. If you're constantly being told that you are a bad person, whether it's your parents or God or your friends telling you, after a while you're going to believe it aren't you? That's why I think people get really hung up on what others think of them. You can tell yourself you're a good person, but if the majority vote says otherwise, who are you to argue?

And maybe that's just me who feels that way and maybe you actually can develop a real opinion of yourself, but for me, it's like the way your house smells. It smells weird and different to everyone who doesn't live there, but you don't notice it at all, so how can you judge it?

Also, finding things you like about yourself seems like a piss poor way to build self-esteem. Not that I really think I have any self esteem issues. I exist and it's what I do with my life that counts, not what I think about it.

So take that prompt! 

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