Friday, September 14, 2012

Entry 9

Guess what? Someone commented on this blog!

Don't get too excited though, because as it turns out that comment was from my computer.
A few days ago I got an email from gmail that said my account had been suspicious activity on my account.  I have no idea what qualifies as suspicious activities, I'm guessing either Peg has been tampering with my account again or gmail really doesn't like my new blog. Seeing as how blogger has been acting up too, I'm going to go with the latter. You see? This is a perfect exampled of why me and blogging don't mix. Barely even three weeks into this thing and already the website is glitching.

Anyway, who wants to hear about my problems when you could be reading about my juicy, angst-ridden, intimate problems.

This week I filled up my dream journal, (it's like I'm a record keeper,) and so instead of a prompt I thought I'd just write about the dream I had. This particular one has been reoccurring over the last several years.

It starts out and I'm in this oversized bird cage, and all around me are these birds flying around, and in the center of the cage is this giant tree where all the birds seem to be congregating. I walk up to it and start peeling the bark off the tree and while I'm doing this the birds start dropping, like they're dead. It doesn't really bother me though, and so I keep peeling the bark and the birds keep dying and finally the tree opens up and there's this little white bird sitting inside. I'm not sure if it was a dove or what, but it's sitting in there curled up like it's asleep, and I reach inside and grab the bird by it's neck and start yanking the feathers off of it. Then the bird starts screeching and pecking at my eyes and that's about the time I wake up.

So yeah, I guess the moral is I shouldn't mess with birds and trees? Great, a pretentious environmental dream.

Hm...You know for some reason that seems a lot darker when you put it up there for the world to see. I'm quite the piece of work ain't I?

That's about all I got for tonight, I'm not feeling too good. Plus my eyes are killing me and staring at this screen is going to make them bleed, I just know it.

Catch you later.

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