Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Entry 12

Today I am going to take a break from my gloomy disposition to talk about something I actually like.

I managed to catch a cold while I was wandering around the psych ward and I've been livin' it up in sofa city this week, so what does that mean? It means I get to crack open that dusty old movie cabinet and enjoy a good ol' movie marathon.
Now according to a number of people, watching gratuitous amounts of television isn't really good for anyone, especially a person with a psychosis. There's a few rules about what I am and what I am not allowed to watch. Like, I can't watch anything too violent or anything that could be considered psychologically or emotionally disturbing, (yeah that's easy for you to say therapists, scary movies are the best.) Still, in light of recent events I decided just to stick to some nice old films.
I didn't really grow up on a lot of the more mainstream films that a lot of 90's kids did. Most of the movies we own are all from about thirty years ago. In fact, I'm still watching all these movies on a VHS player. (Cool by me, VHS is where it's at.)

But anyways back to the movies! Because that is what is truly important here!

A lot of these films are Movie Musicals, like Singing in the Rain and the Sound of Music. Those are the best kind right? Mary Poppins is probably my favorite out of these, because how can you not like Mary Poppins? She's practically perfect in every way. It's one of those films where it seems to get better every time you watch it.
When I was a kid I only watched it for the parts with the penguins or the farm animals, but as I've gotten older I've really realized just how great of a movie it is. I think my favorite character, (besides the obligatory Dick Van Dyke,) is the Dad. The story is really about him reconnecting with his kids, but they never really shove it in your face, and I like that. I actually get kind of choked up at the scene where he's walking through the town at night and contemplating his actions. That's pretty deep stuff for a Disney film aimed at children. Disney films can be dark, just look at the Brave Little Toaster, (also an awesome movie by the way.) My all time favorite scene in this movie though, is the second lullaby, where you get all the pretty shots of St. Paul's Cathedral and the bird woman. I could watch that a million times.

However, the best of movies I watched would have to have been To Kill a Mockingbird. I've read the book, and I knew the movie was lying around I just never got around to watching it until today. Holy crap. Best movie, hands down, everyone else go home. I'd sort of forgotten why I liked the book, but this reminded me. All the characters are so interesting, and the story is well done. The actor they got to play Atticus is just perfect. Just the entire movie works so well, it's probably the best adaptation I have ever seen.
The best thing about it though was how true it stayed to the themes of the book, about tolerance and seeing things through other people's eyes, and doing what is right no matter the cost. Most people don't usually think of To Kill a Mockingbird as a very uplifting story, but it always filled me with a kind of hope. Sure, it shows humanity's capacity to do terrible things, but it also shows humanity's capacity for great acts of love and kindness. After watching the movie I think I may go back and re-read it again.

So other than that, not a lot accomplished this week. Didn't even get very much finger weaving done. Maybe I do need more arts n craft projects. However I'm happy to keep on with some of these cool movies. Maybe next time I'll pull out some Alfred Hitchcock and watch Psycho, I've been dying to see that one, (Kidding.)

I'll keep you updated.

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